What are the GCOS scholarships?
The scholarships consist of a free registration fee to attend GCOS 2023 on 28-29 September. If you wish to participate in the symposium on 27 September, the scholarship holder will have to pay a fee of 100 €.
A limited number of scholarships have been created, only for persons submitting an abstract or actively participating in the ICOS Champions League.
A scholarship for attendance at GCOS 2023 includes:
An individual registration to the congress, which allows access to all the official scientific sessions of the congress, to the working lunches. A certificate of attendance (and credits if applicable).
How can I apply for a scholarship?
The application period for the scholarship is from 21 March to 30 April 2023, using an online application form. You can access the form at the bottom of this page.
The award will be communicated after 30 April.
How are scholarships awarded?
Applicants for a scholarship will be assigned a score based on merits (information on the access form). These merits must be able to be proven by documentary evidence if requested. Scholarships will be awarded in descending order of score until all available scholarships have been used up.
Access to the scholarship application
You must be previously registered on the website
If you are not registered, you can do so by clicking on the "I do not have an account" button at the bottom of this page.
If you have previously registered on this website or in previous editions, you can use your username and password by clicking on the "I have an account" button at the bottom of this page or log in at "MY ACCOUNT".
In case you do not remember your password and wish to recover it, you can do so by clicking on the "Recover my password" button at the bottom of this page.
Once you are logged in, access the grant application from the section SCHOLARSHIP locate inside "My Profile".